Remember the line from Shrek, “I’m like an onion, lots of layers?” I think that’s true for all of us. I’ve been thinking recently about how as children we’re free – free to dance, laugh, play, trust – you name it, but each and everyday of our lives as we grow into adulthood we begin to add layers to our hearts. I don’t think we do it intentionally, instead I think those layers begin to grow on their own to protect us in some way and before you know it, what hurt us before doesn’t hurt as badly the next time, what wounded us before comes against a tougher exterior now and we find ways to survive. Seems like a natural way to evolve as a person, right? Wrong! Adam and Eve started this whole layering process when they hid from God. They ran and played and danced innocent and whole with Creator God until they bought into a lie and then they began to layer, to hide.
This is huge! This is who we are, how we respond, how we live and interact with God and everyone else. How people experience us is based on how we’ve layered crap over our souls. God’s desire is that we “un-layer”, become pliable and transparent. For me, I’m watching God dismantle layers over my heart, false beliefs and lies I’ve bought into, attachments even. I long for the day that I can find my innocence again, the laughter and dance and trust of a child. To find my relationship with Jesus like that of early Adam, walking in relationship with God – heart uncovered, vulnerable and free. It all starts with awareness. Seeing the truth about who you are, who you’ve become and finding community with people who will help you change, people who will forcefully assist in pulling down the strongholds and back the curtain the enemy has so skillfully placed over you and the eyes of your heart.
Look for your soul, the childlike you, it’s in there behind all the years of survival, all the lies, all the scars. If you’re like me, you’re tired of settling for something less than Eden. Jesus restores all things, and makes all things new. Now if I can just learn to dance!
Tags: Attachments, Authenticity, Heart, Layers, Soul, Survival